What Are the Major Risks of Staking Crypto?

In the world of crypto assets, many investors are turning to staking as a popular way to generate investment income. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to recognize that staking, like any other investment avenue, comes with its set of risks.

Major Risks of Staking Crypto

This article outlines the seven key risks you should take into account before deciding to stake your crypto. Make sure to read through to the end to equip yourself with the necessary information for a well-informed decision.

But before delving into these risks, let’s take a moment to grasp the concept of crypto staking.

What is Crypto staking all about?

In simple terms, staking involves locking up your Crypto holdings in exchange for rewards. When you commit your tokens to the network through staking, you’re actively contributing to its security. In return, the network rewards you with native tokens.
The more Crypto assets you pledge, the greater your potential rewards. The beauty of this process lies in its automation – rewards are distributed on-chain, making the earning process entirely hands-free. All you need to do is stake your tokens, and your crypto-assets can generate income even when you’re not actively monitoring them.

The primary goal of staking is to enhance network security. As more wallets join the staking pool, the network becomes more robust and secure. When you verify a transaction, you receive a reward as a token of appreciation for your contribution of time and effort. This dynamic not only adds economic value to the network but also increases the overall security by incentivizing participation in the staking process.

Potential Pitfalls in Crypto Staking

1.Market Volatility

When engaging in Crypto staking, investors face a significant risk tied to market fluctuations. The value of the staked asset may decrease, leading to financial losses, even if the staker earned an attractive interest rate. For instance, a 15% annual percentage yield (APY) may not offset a 50% drop in the asset’s value over the year. Careful consideration of the chosen asset beyond its APY is crucial to mitigate this risk.

2.Liquidity Concerns

The liquidity, or lack thereof, of the staked Crypto poses another substantial risk. Staking a micro-cap altcoin with limited liquidity might hinder the ability to sell or convert staking rewards efficiently. Opting for more liquid assets with higher trading volumes on Crypto exchanges can help alleviate this risk.

3.Lockup Periods

Certain stakable assets come with locked periods, during which the staked assets cannot be accessed. This restriction becomes problematic if the asset’s value experiences a significant decline during this period, limiting the ability to withdraw the investment and reducing overall earnings. Choosing assets without lockup periods allows flexibility to withdraw investments promptly in case of price drops.

4.Rewards Distribution Duration

Some staking assets do not distribute rewards daily, requiring stakers to wait for their earnings. While the annual percentage yield remains unaffected, delayed reward distribution limits the time available for reinvestment, potentially reducing overall returns. Opting for assets that provide daily rewards facilitates immediate reinvestment, contributing to higher overall Crypto investment returns.

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5.Validator Risks

Running a validator node for staking requires technical expertise to ensure smooth operations. Validator nodes must be operational at all times to maximize staking returns. Misbehavior by a validator node could result in penalties, and in extreme cases, staked tokens may be “slashed,” leading to a loss. To minimize this risk, delegating stake to a trusted third-party validator is an option, eliminating the need to manage a validator node independently.

6.Validator Operational Costs

Engaging in Crypto staking involves costs, whether it be hardware and electricity expenses for running a personal validator node or fees associated with third-party staking services. Vigilance regarding these costs is essential to prevent excessive deductions from staking returns. Selecting a staking method that balances costs while delivering a favorable return on investment is key.

7.Security Risks

The risk of losing wallet private keys or experiencing fund theft is inherent in staking and holding digital assets. Diligent attention to security measures, such as backing up wallets and secure storage of private keys, is crucial. Opting for staking through applications where users retain control of private keys, as opposed to custodial third-party platforms, enhances fund security and control.

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Is crypto staking a secure option?

Staking crypto comes with its share of risks, akin to investing in traditional assets like stocks. These risks encompass market volatility, liquidity concerns, and the potential loss of assets. However, some argue that the rewards from cryptocurrency staking can outweigh these risks, presenting an opportunity for above-average returns.

How can I reduce the risks associated with staking cryptocurrency?

To minimize risks, it’s crucial to delve into comprehensive research, enforce robust security measures, opt for trustworthy staking platforms, stay informed about network advancements, and seek expert advice when needed.

What does APY mean in crypto staking?

APY, or Annual Percentage Yield, is a crucial metric in crypto staking. The APY can vary significantly based on factors such as the platform used, lockup period, and the specific token being staked. Generally, the APY for crypto staking falls within the range of 5% to 20%.

What is APR in crypto staking?

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is commonly utilized to calculate the potential earnings from staking crypto. Unlike APY, APR does not consider compound interest and provides a clear view of the expected return on the initial investment. Understanding both APY and APR is essential for evaluating the potential gains from engaging in crypto staking.


Engaging in crypto staking provides users with an opportunity to leverage their holdings, earning income while still maintaining ownership of their assets. Nonetheless, Crypto staking comes with various risks, such as market fluctuations, liquidity concerns, and lockup periods. To safeguard against these risks, it’s essential to thoroughly comprehend the staking process before getting involved. Additionally, ensuring the reliability and security of the chosen staking platform or validator is a crucial step in making informed and secure staking decisions.

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Author: Vedanti KiranVedanti is a female finance writer, currently pursuing her studies at Hansraj College. She has a passion for writing and travelling, and her articles on the stock market, finance, investment, and cryptocurrency are well-researched and informative. With her unique perspective on the world of finance, Vedanti is a go-to source for those seeking insights into the world of finance.

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