Important Facts About Rubbish Removal Sutherland Shire

Rubbish removal happens on a weekly basis in Sutherland Shire. They have three different bins that you can use – one for trash, one for recycling, and one for garden debris. You have a day for collection according to the rubbish collectors.

Rubbish removal happens all over Sydney, and you can check to see when your rubbish collection day is. You can check about rubbish removal sutherland shire by contacting the rubbish collector. They can let you know what day your collection is, as well as other information. 

This article will give you some interesting facts about rubbish collection. It will tell you some facts about rubbish that you might not have known. You can also do more research to find other interesting facts. 

Interesting Facts About Rubbish Collection

1. Australia Rubbish

Australians have about 67 million tons of trash sent to the landfill each year. About 2% of that is then converted to energy, leaving nearly 98% to the landfill. This is a lot of rubbish that is left in the landfill each year and it is expensive to get it there.

Each Australian produces about one and a half tons of rubbish each year. That is nearly twice the rate of their population. Perspectively, just one Australian family could fill a three-bedroom home with rubbish each year – that’s a lot of trash. 

2. Single-Use Plastic Bags

Australia put a ban on single-use plastic bags that has made quite the impact. Before the ban was put into effect, only 3% of the bags were recycled each year. This left eight million tons of them in the ocean each year and that affects the wildlife living there. 

The ban was put into place in 2008 and it is estimated that it has saved about 400 million plastic each year. It has also saved countless animals from the effects of those plastic bags. There have been millions of animals that have died each year due to plastic bags that have been thrown away – bags that could have been recycled. 

3. World Wildlife Fund

The World Wildlife Fund, or WWF says that nearly a million seabirds have been saved each year due to the ban on plastic bags. They were being killed at an alarming rate before this, and still millions are affected by plastic bags today. There are also many other animals such as sea turtles, whales, and fish that are affected by different types of plastic in the ocean.

Most of these animals die from starvation because the plastic will fill their stomachs. They also suffer from cuts, infections, and reduced ability to swim or fly because of the plastic. This causes them to be eaten or attacked by other animals – which can then affect the prey animals.

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4. Wasted Food

Around the world, about a third of all food produced is wasted. In Australia, there is about seven million tons of food being tossed away each year. This also wastes about three thousand dollars for each household each year – money that could be used for vacations or anything else that wouldn’t be wasted.

This is a sad statistic because many people go hungry each night, while others are tossing away their food. The food that is tossed away each year could feed the homeless and chronically hungry people each year. Instead, it ends up in the landfill, filling it up as waste and people are still starving around the world. 

5. Plastic Bottles

During the CleanUp Australia Day, plastic bottles are one of the items that is most commonly picked up. There are about four hundred million plastic bottles that end up in the landfill each year. Only about thirty six percent of them ever get recycled, even though they are one of the easiest things to recycle. If we recycled all the bottles, we wouldn’t have to create new plastic each day. 

A liter of bottled water is more costly than a liter of gasoline, but people will still buy it by the gallons. They will then toss these bottles into the landfill where it will take up to 450 years to decompose. These bottles also waste a lot of fossil fuels to make which also contributes to global warming. 

6. Landfills

The biggest contributor to soil pollution are landfills. What makes this worse is that about eighty percent of all the waste could have been recycled. This leads to problems with the soil that take years to recover from – if the soil ever does recover.

There are three main issues with landfills and the soil. These are toxins, leachate, and greenhouse gas. Our groundwater and soil are ruined by toxic substances that are leached into them each day. Some toxic substances include arsenic, PVC, solvents, mercury, cadmium, lead, and acids – all materials that stay in the soil forever.

When water filters through the broken-down waste in the landfills, it creates leachate. This liquid becomes highly toxic and will pollute the soil, groundwater, and water ways that are nearby. This is pollution that doesn’t go away easily and can harm humans and animals. 

Greenhouse gas is another issue with landfills that happens when the garbage is compacted down and covered up. Doing this takes away the oxygen and makes it break down in an anaerobic process. This will eventually release methane, which is the biggest greenhouse gas. 

7. Plastic Was Made to Last

It was made to last, and it does – it lasts forever, even in the landfill. It is one of the world’s most prolific polluters that does not break down. Plastic will take a life of its own and will last for your lifetime and your grandchildren’s lifetime. 

About four percent of the world’s oil supply will go to making plastic. Another four percent will go to the refining process. That means that we are wasting some of our precious resources for a material that is destroying our planet.

8. Waste Management is Expensive

In Australia, the cost of waste management is about two hundred fifty million dollars per year for the next four years. In the US, that cost was over sixteen billion dollars last year. The UK had waste management costs of over ten billion British pounds. 

Waste management is just expensive everywhere and we pay for it because we need to make sure that waste isn’t left in the streets. It is worth the money to prevent death and illness that garbage can create. 

9. Decomposition

Things take a lot longer to decompose than people think. For instance, something as simple as an orange peel can take up to six months to decompose. Aluminum cans can take up to a hundred years to decompose. Glass bottles can take up to a million years.

We must do better when it comes to waste management. We need to recycle more and compost more. The world needs us to do better when it comes to these things. 

10. More About Plastic

Except for a small amount of plastic that is burned each year, all the plastic ever made is still in existence. We make it and it never goes away – some is recycled, but most ends up in a landfill or the ocean.

We need to get better at recycling plastic since it takes so long to decompose. We need to stop creating more plastic that will just end up in the landfills. We just need to get better at recycling everything. 


Waste management and rubbish removal are big industries around the world. Millions and billions of dollars go to removing waste each year. It also causes many problems around the world.

The world needs to get better at recycling – especially plastics. Plastic ends up in the landfill or in the ocean. When it ends up in the ocean, it affects all the wildlife that is there. Many animals die each year because of ingesting plastic or being strangled by plastic. 

Rubbish removal is important to prevent illness and disease. Leaving it sitting on the street also attracts vermin that can spread disease. It is important to remove it so that the world can be a safer place. 

If the world would be better at recycling, we could save millions of dollars each year. We wouldn’t have to create new items, especially plastics and aluminum, two of the biggest things that we could recycle. We could also save precious resources, including oil that we have limited supplies.

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Author: Sanjib SahaSanjib is a finance based writer who has a deep knowledge in stock market, cryptocurrency and mutual funds. He is also a co-founder of

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