5 Best ways to find YES Bank customer id online

Are you a customer of YES Bank? You must have come across this article, looking out for the methods to find YES Bank customer id online. Let me give some information, the customer id is a unique identification number that is generally linked with the bank account number. This id is often used to activate digital banking services.

Therefore, if you are one of those customers who had forgotten the customer id of their YES Bank account, then you are in the right place. In this article, we have added five different ways to find YES Bank customer id online.

find YES Bank customer id online

Let’s have a look.

5 Best ways to find YES Bank Customer id Online

The methods we are going to list here are practically verified and tested. However, if this does not work for you, then you can mention your query in the comments section.

Anyway, let’s have a look at the methods.

Mobile Banking – 1

This is the only method that will help you to find YES Bank customer id online. However, you must have to register for mobile banking services.

If you are already registered for mobile banking services, then follow the steps that we have given below.

  • First, open the YES Bank mobile banking application on the smartphone.
  • Second, log in using the user id and password.
  • Click on the “my info” section under the application.
  • You will find the customer id on this screen.

You may also like to read, Yes Bank Debit Card – How to Generate or Change ATM PIN Online

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E-Statement or Physical Statement – 2

The second method to know the customer id of the YES Bank is using the bank account statement.

Mostly, the customer id is mentioned on the e-statement. However, one can visit the bank for getting a hard copy of the bank account statement.

The customer id is generally mentioned on the first page of the bank account statement.

Cheque Book – 3

A cheque book is one of the essential things that is mostly used for making business payments. Every bank account holder gets a copy of the cheque book during the account opening. 

Generally, the customer id is mentioned on the first slip of the YES Bank cheque book.

Welcome Letter – 4

Once you visit the bank for opening a new bank account, then during the account opening process, you will receive a welcome letter along with the kit.

Generally, the customer id and all other details are mentioned in the welcome letter of the YES Bank.

Customer Care – 5

Last, the only option is left to find YES bank customer id is by calling the customer care executive.

The customer will find the details for contacting customer care of YES Bank from here: https://www.yesbank.in/contact-us


YES Bank is one of the best banks in India. It comes under the private sector, and the individual can open the bank account with an initial deposit of Rs 10,000. However, this article is all related to finding the customer of YES bank online.

Here we have added everything that one needs to know for getting the customer id. In case, if there is any query, then do not hesitate to ask us in the comments section.

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Author: Naveen EThis is E.Naveen Kumar full time Content Writer, SEO, Digital marketing Expert, founder of financesrule.com. Really enjoying playing cricket at free times. Being a Btech Graduation from Computer Science stream Selected full-time blogging as my Profession.

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