What are ULIPs? Types, Pros, Cons and Should you Invest?

What are ULIPs? Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) are a type of insurance policy that offer both insurance protection and the opportunity to invest in a selection of mutual funds. An ULIP combines the features of a life insurance policy with those of a mutual fund, allowing the policyholder to invest in a variety of funds and to change the investment mix as their needs change.

An ULIP usually offers insurance worth 10 times the amount invested, making it a potentially important part of an individual’s overall financial security.

Say for example, if you invest Rs. 1 lakh in an ULIP, your policy will offer a life insurance cover of Rs. 10 lakh. In the event  of your death, the policy will pay out Rs. 10 lakh to your beneficiaries. If the investor survives the term of the policy, the investment returns (capital gains and dividends) earned on the ULIP policy will be paid out to the investor.

What are ULIPs

Types of ULIPs

There are two main types of ULIPs:

Single premium ULIPs

A single premium ULIP is a type of ULIP that requires the policyholder to pay a single, lump-sum payment at the time of purchase. This type of ULIP is ideal for individuals who want to invest a large sum of money at once and who do not want to worry about making regular payments.

Regular premium ULIPs

A regular premium ULIP is a type of ULIP that requires the policyholder to make regular payments, typically monthly or quarterly. This type of ULIP is ideal for individuals who want to spread out their investment over time and who want to avoid making a large, one-time payment. 

ULIPs also come in other forms like Equity linked saving schemes, debt linked saving schemes etc.

How do ULIPs work?

Those who decide to invest in ULIPs make a one time or a recurring payment known as a premium.

ULIPs work by pooling the money invested by the policyholder into a number of different mutual funds. These funds are invested in a variety of assets, including stocks, bonds, and cash. The policyholder can then choose to allocate their money to any of these funds, or they can let the fund manager do it for them. This allows the policyholder to invest in a number of different assets and to change their investment mix as their needs change.

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A part of the money invested in a ULIP is typically used to purchase life insurance coverage. In the event of the policyholder’s death, the policy will pay out the insurance coverage to the beneficiary. If the policyholder survives the term of the policy, the investment returns (capital gains and dividends) earned on the ULIP policy will be paid out to the investor.

ULIPs are offered by a number of life insurance companies in India, and can be a good way for individuals to save for their long-term financial security.

Are ULIPS different from endowment policies?

Yes, ULIPs are different from endowment policies. An endowment policy is a type of life insurance policy that offers a fixed sum of money upon the death of the policyholder. In contrast, a ULIP allows the policyholder to invest in a variety of mutual funds, giving them the opportunity to earn higher returns on their investment. ULIPs are also typically less expensive than endowment policies, making them a more cost-effective way to save for the future.

What are the Pros of Investing in ULIPs?

  1. ULIPs offer a number of benefits over traditional savings vehicles, such as bank accounts and fixed deposits
  2. ULIPs offer life insurance coverage, which can be important for individuals who want to ensure their family is taken care of in the event of their death. 
  3. ULIPs offer the opportunity to invest in a variety of mutual funds, giving the policyholder the chance to earn higher returns on their investment. 
  4. ULIPs are typically less expensive than traditional life insurance policies, making them a more cost-effective way to save for the future. 
  5. ULIPs offer a number of tax benefits, which can help the policyholder save money on their taxes. 

What are the Cons of Investing in ULIPs?

  1. ULIPs are not guaranteed investments, and the policyholder could lose money on their investment if the mutual funds perform poorly. 
  2. ULIPs typically have a longer lock-in period than other types of investments, such as bank accounts and fixed deposits. 
  3. ULIPs may have high charges, which can eat into the returns earned on the investment. 

Are ULIPs expensive?

ULIPs can be expensive, and the charges associated with them can be a significant drag on the returns earned on the investment. It is important to read the terms and conditions of the ULIP carefully to make sure you are aware of all the charges that will be deducted from your investment.

We need to understand why ULIPs are expensive? ULIPs offer a number of benefits, including life insurance coverage, the opportunity to invest in a variety of mutual funds, and tax benefits. These benefits come at a cost. There are a lot of charges associated with ULIPs. Plus, insurance agents are paid hefty commission from your investment, which reduces your ROI. Multiple charges associated with ULIPs can be a significant drain on the returns earned on the investment, making them expensive.

ULIP Lock in Period

ULIPs typically have a longer lock-in period than other types of investments, such as bank accounts and fixed deposits. This means that the policyholder cannot withdraw their money from the ULIP for a certain period of time, typically three to five years. This lock-in period protects the policyholder from making any rash decisions with their money and allows the mutual funds to grow over time.

Tax Implication on ULIPs In India

ULIPs offer a number of tax benefits, which can help the policyholder save money on their taxes. These benefits include:

  1. Tax exemption on the premiums paid for the ULIP policy. 
  2. Tax exemption on the investment returns earned on the ULIP policy. 
  3. Tax exemption on the maturity proceeds of the ULIP policy.

It is important to note that the tax benefits associated with ULIPs may vary depending on the individual’s tax situation. It is important to speak with a tax advisor to understand how ULIPs can help reduce your tax.


My Insurance Agent has been forcing me to take an ULIP policy. Should I go for it?

No, you should not go for it. An insurance agent is paid a commission for selling ULIP policies, so they may be biased in their recommendation. It is important to do your own research and to understand the terms and conditions of the ULIP before investing.

How much does insurance agents earn from selling ULIPs?

Insurance agents typically earn a commission of around 10% for selling ULIP policies. This commission can be a significant amount of money, so agents may be biased in their recommendation of ULIPs.

ULIPs vs Mutual funds: Which one do you recommend?

I recommend investing in mutual funds because they are not as expensive as ULIP and they offer good returns. There are hardly any charges associated with mutual funds (less than 1% in most cases). Additionally, to compensate for the insurance part, go with a term insurance, where your family gets paid close to 100x of your yearly investment, incase of a demise.

ULIP returns vs Mutual funds returns: Which is more?

It is difficult to make a direct comparison between the returns earned on ULIPs and the returns earned on mutual funds. This is because the returns earned on ULIPs will vary depending on the performance of the mutual funds in which the money is invested. However, in general, the returns earned on mutual funds are likely to be higher than the returns earned on ULIPs.

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Author: Sanjib SahaSanjib is a finance based writer who has a deep knowledge in stock market, cryptocurrency and mutual funds. He is also a co-founder of Financesrule.com

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