Investors are continuously searching for potential possibilities as the stock market gets more unpredictable. Virat Industries Ltd. is one such business that has attracted interest recently. Many people are curious as to what Virat Industries’ share price goal will be in the upcoming years given the company’s strong market position and solid financial performance. Is it wise to acquire this stock? In this post, we’ll examine the company’s recent performance and forecast what its share price should be between 2024 and 2030. Continue reading to determine if buying shares of Virat Industries Ltd is the best course of action for you.

How to purchase Virat Industries shares?

Below are the trading platforms that you can use to purchase Virat Industries Ltd shares:

➤ Zerodha

➤ Upstox

➤ Groww

➤ AngelOne

➤ ICICIDirect

Virat Industries Share Price Prediction: 2024 to 2030

Virat Industries Share Price Target 2024

When Maximum Price Minimum Price
January 2024 ₹225.92 ₹196.45
February 2024 ₹230.53 ₹200.46
March 2024 ₹235.23 ₹204.55
April 2024 ₹228.38 ₹198.59
May 2024 ₹225.01 ₹195.66
June 2024 ₹233.11 ₹202.70
July 2024 ₹230.78 ₹200.67
August 2024 ₹240.01 ₹208.70
September 2024 ₹249.61 ₹217.05
October 2024 ₹244.71 ₹212.79
November 2024 ₹252.05 ₹219.18
December 2024 ₹258.36 ₹224.66

Virat Industries’ share price forecast for 2024 reveals a dynamic trajectory. Starting from ₹225.92 in January, it is projected to reach ₹258.36 in December, with fluctuations throughout the year. The anticipated minimum prices range from ₹196.45 to ₹224.66. Investors should closely monitor the market, considering factors influencing these fluctuations for strategic decision-making in the coming year.

Virat Industries Share Price Target 2025

When Maximum Price Minimum Price
January 2025 ₹263.52 ₹202.71
February 2025 ₹270.28 ₹207.91
March 2025 ₹280.82 ₹216.02
April 2025 ₹275.31 ₹211.78
May 2025 ₹267.30 ₹205.61
June 2025 ₹279.32 ₹214.86
July 2025 ₹273.85 ₹210.65
August 2025 ₹282.32 ₹217.17
September 2025 ₹292.20 ₹224.77
October 2025 ₹299.80 ₹230.61
November 2025 ₹307.29 ₹236.38
December 2025 ₹314.97 ₹242.29

In 2025, Virat Industries’ share price is poised for an upward trajectory, presenting a promising outlook for investors. Starting the year at ₹263.52 in January, it is projected to reach ₹314.97 by December. The fluctuation between the maximum and minimum prices, ranging from ₹202.71 to ₹242.29, underscores the potential for growth.

Virat Industries Share Price Target 2026 – 2030

Year Maximum Price Minimum Price
2026 ₹330.72 ₹231.50
2027 ₹363.79 ₹254.66
2028 ₹509.31 ₹254.66
2029 ₹440.96 ₹220.48
2030 ₹573.25 ₹401.27

Virat Industries’ share price projections for 2026 to 2030 depict a compelling growth trajectory. Starting at ₹330.72 in 2026, the anticipated maximum price is set to reach ₹573.25 in 2030, reflecting a substantial increase. The minimum prices vary between ₹231.50 and ₹401.27 during this period, highlighting the potential for both steady growth and periodic fluctuations.

Finances rule

Financial Condition of Virat Industries: Last 5 years

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Sales 24.13 26.38 19.56 24.66 37.68
Expenses 21.18 23.19 17.47 21.78 34.62
Operating Profit 2.95 3.19 2.09 2.88 3.06
OPM (%) 12.23% 12.09% 10.69% 11.68% 8.12%
Other Income 0.14 0.78 0.66 0.48 0.73
Interest 0.10 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.07
Depreciation 1.94 1.91 1.76 1.60 1.54
Profit before Tax 1.05 2.01 0.93 1.73 2.18
Tax (%) 39.05% 25.87% 13.98% 21.39% 25.69%
Net Profit 0.65 1.48 0.79 1.35 1.62
EPS (Rs) 1.32 3.01 1.60 2.74 3.29
Dividend Payout (%) 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 36.44% 0.00%

Virat Industries’ financial performance from 2019 to 2023 reflects a dynamic business landscape. Sales saw a notable uptrend, reaching ₹37.68 Crores in 2023. Despite rising expenses, operating profits remained steady, with operating profit margins ranging from 8.12% to 12.23%. Other income contributed positively, while disciplined cost management and efficient operations resulted in consistent net profits. The company demonstrated resilience in challenging times, as seen in the stable EPS. The dividend payout varied, notably peaking at 36.44% in 2022. These financials underscore Virat Industries’ adaptability and strategic financial management.


What is the current share price of Virat Industries?

As of January 28th, 2024, the current share price of Virat Industries is ₹ 180.

What is the expected share price target of Virat Industries in 2024-2030?

The expected share price target of Virat Industries is subject to dynamic market conditions, but considering the company’s historical growth and financial performance, it suggests a potential upward trajectory from 2024 to 2030.

Can the share price of Virat Industries reach 1000 INR by 2025?

There is no guarantee that the share price of Virat Industries will reach 1000 INR by 2025. It will depend on various factors such as market conditions, company performance, and industry trends.

What is the revenue growth rate of Virat Industries?

Virat Industries exhibited a robust revenue growth rate over the years, with sales increasing from ₹24.13 Crores in 2019 to ₹37.68 Crores in 2023, reflecting positive growth momentum.

What is the dividend payout ratio of Virat Industries?

Virat Industries’ dividend payout ratio varied over the analyzed period, reaching a peak of 36.44% in 2022, while remaining at 0.00% in certain years, reflecting a dynamic dividend distribution strategy.

What is the operating profit margin of Virat Industries?

Virat Industries’ operating profit margin fluctuated between 8.12% and 12.23% from 2019 to 2023, reflecting a range of profitability in its operations.

Should I buy shares of Virat Industries?

Investing in any company’s shares involves risks and uncertainties, and it is essential to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions. It is advisable to consult with a financial advisor before investing in Virat Industries shares.



It is clear from Virat Industries’ financial performance over the previous five years that the company has consistently increased both its revenue and profit growth. Despite obstacles, like a drop in sales in the fiscal year 2019, the business was able to recover and even raise net profit in the fiscal year 2022. The company’s future appears promising with a strong profit margin and a solid trend in revenue growth. As a result, it can be said that purchasing shares of Virat Industries can be a wise investment with long-term potential rewards. Before making a choice, investors should take into account past trends and the company’s financial stability.

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Author: Neelam KushwahaNeelam Kushwaha is a Bachelor's student in Computer Science at Hansraj College with a keen interest in finance and the stock market. She is a senior editor at Financesrule, where she shares her insights and expertise in researching stock price predictions. Neelam's analytical skills and unique perspectives make her a valuable asset to the financial community. In her free time, she enjoys reading and traveling.

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